Identification Number (PESEL)

A PESEL number is a personal identification number used in Poland. The acronym PESEL stands for “Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności” (“Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population”). It is assigned to every Polish citizen at birth and it is used for a wide range of administrative and official purposes in Poland.

Every foreigner residing in Poland can also be assigned a PESEL number. It’s not mandatory but we highly recommend you to have one, as it can be useful in many situations, for example when opening a bank account. It also makes it easier to register for health care services and serves many other purposes.

How to apply for a PESEL number?

In order to apply for a PESEL number you should visit the nearest Town Hall (Urząd Miasta) and submit an application form (the updated version of application will be avaliable on site). Urząd Dzielnicy Ochota m. st. Warszawy (the nearest from IBB) is located here:

You will need to provide proof of identity, such as your passport.

A PESEL number will be issued immediately (you will receive an official document confirming your number). This document may be required later by some institutions for different purposes, so please keep the original with you.

Please note, that the PESEL number is granted individually only once and doesn’t change throughout your lifetime. The application for a PESEL number is free of charge.